'Rena Hoffman's patience, courtesy, intelligence, and winning manner are only part of what makes her the sensitive, caring, and professional therapist she is. She is a good communicator and has a wonderful sense of humour. She feels empathy and compassion for her clients  and is unparalleled when it comes to helping us 'ancient beings' cope with modern relationships. Rena is a soulful human being and I feel privileged to have been able to work with her. My outlook on life and my personal and professional relationships have changed in such a positive way. I especially love Rena's clarity and wisdom and her deep awareness and insights into matters of the psyche.'  


‘Art Through Therapy has offered me the opportunity to engage with my issues on a deep creative level, in a safe and supportive environment. I loved the fact that I didn’t need to be an artist to create! Rena’s expertise offers an abundance of experience both as an artist and psychotherapist, which has allowed me to deeply engage with my process in a creative meaningful way supporting my journey. Thank you so much for the warm caring permissive environment.’ 

Lindy Spanger

' I have gone to several hypnotherapists and meditation sessions to relax and to break my life long habit of biting my nails, which were an outward expression of my stress and a source of embarrassment for me. Surprisingly, after the first session with Rena, I did not bite my nails for a week. Her gentle, persuasive method and manner, offered permission for me to choose my own strategy to stop my urges to bite, unlike the previous experiences which were not successful. I believe comfort and trust have enabled me to relax quickly and deeply in each session. Seemingly simple relaxation dialogue has been very effective and I am still attending my sessions as I have been encouraged by the continued success of the work, even under very stressful circumstances in my life. After each session I feel relaxed and seeing my nails grow increases my self esteem.'

Bella Grebler

 ‘I felt to write a statement of gratitude and praise for the art therapy workshops offered by Rena Hoffman. I attended a series in late 2013 and was deeply affected once again, both by the profound unfolding of the process and the level of skillful, soulful holding Rena brings. With a very personal balance of humor, intelligence, and sensitivity, Rena attends to each participant as needed, fostering an attitude of curiosity and exploration. On a practical level, the range of art materials available is enormous. Having journeyed in this modality with Rena for many years I am always richly rewarded. Thanks again Rena.’

Kat Hathaway.
Diploma Soul Centred Psychotherapy, BA Psych (hons), Clinical member ASCP, PACFA reg.
Clinical listing 22054, ARCAP reg. 22054.